Anal Fissure

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What is anal fissure?

Anal fissure is a severely discomforting condition due to a tear or cut in the anal mucosa. People of all ages may get affected by this reason causing bright red bleeding and pain while passing stools.

What causes an anal fissure?

Passing hard and large stools are the main causes of anal fissure, other common causes include

  • 1. Frequent diarrhea
  • 2. Chronic constipation
  • 3. Anal intercourse
  • 4. Obesity
  • 5. Inflammatory bowel disease
  • 6. Trauma
What are best treatment options for anal fissure in Hyderabad?

Treatment options for Anal fissure depends on the duration of symptoms and chronicity(time since onset). It can be managed both Medical and Surgical means.

In case of acute fissure duet to hard stools for the first time, medicines help in relief of symptoms. In chronic fissure medicines have a limited value and surgery is preferred option.

Is laser best treatment for anal fissures?

Laser in experienced hands is one of the best treatment options for Fissures. We offer most trusted and best laser treatment in Hyderabad. The following advantages of laser over conventional open surgery make it the best treatment option

  • 1. No pain
  • 2. No bleeding
  • 3. No cut
  • 4. No recurrence
  • 5. Early recovery
  • 6. Same day discharge
  • 7. Low chance of infection